Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014
We are on assembly schedule today!
1st: 8:30-9:32
2nd: 9:36-10:32
Lunch: 10:36-11:07
4th: 11:11-12:07
5th: 12:11-1:07
6th: 1:11-1:57
7th: 2:01-2:47
Fall Festival: 2:51-3:45
Independent Reading (This is week #11)
Good readers clarify their understanding.  
Essential Questions:
What strategies can I use to make sure that unknown words don't get in the way of understanding what I've read?
Work Time:
Stick note strategy for unknown words
* Reading: Only 10 minutes today!
* Reading Conferences

Unit 3: Authors As Mentors
Essential Questions:
How does an author use elements of literature to create a powerful story?
How does good writing make for easy reading?

R.1.a.iii Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. (CCSS:RL.6.3)

I will know I’m successful when...

  • I can tell why the text is engaging (interesting). 
  • I can identify what makes the text seem satisfying.
  • I can identify how the writer crafts a story to make it suspenseful.
  • I can identify how the author's purpose is linked to the theme.

Close Reading: To examine part of a text to analyze its fine details, as if holding a magnifying glass to the page to reveal what may be hidden at first glance (or read).

In order to deeply understand a complex text, we will be breaking it down into chunks and setting a purpose for multiple readings.

Work Time:
Close reading step 2: Reread the text in order to answer the questions. Remember, you must use evidence from the text to support your thinking.

Think-Pair-Share: After rereading the text, what did you notice that didn't stand out to you the first time? 
Reading 30 Minutes (Even on Saturday and Sunday!)
Update your reading list (It's in Google Classroom)

Click here for a Late Assignment Turn In Sheet for any late or resubmitted work

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